AAAAaaaa, zycie w akademiku zaczyna mnie troche dobijac :
1. O 2 w nocy Koreanczycy postanawiaja duzo spacerowac w drewnianych butach po korytarzu
2. Wylaczyli nam klime, ale nie wlaczyli ogrzewania
3. Znowu nachylilem sie nad umywalka i sie pomoczylem, co wyglada jakbym sie celowo obsikal
4. Dalej nie mam lampy
Sa tez plusy:
1. Toaleta sie sama splukuje
2. Pralka mowi ile minut jeszcze bedzie prala
3. Nie ma karaluchow
Living in the dorms is starting to get annoying at times.
1. The Korean dorm society surprisingly is getting very vital around 2 am and is walking around in woodden slippers or something.
2. They turned the AC off, but did not turn heating on instead...
3. Again I leaned over the bathroom washbasin which resulted in a water stain which looks exactly as if I had peed on my pants on purpose.
4. Still don't own a lamp :(
There are advantages though :)
1. The toilet flushes automatically
2. The washingmachine tells the time it'll take to wash the clothes
3. There are no roaches