Niedziela uplynela pod znakiem ?O kur? ale mam kaca, a trzeba sie uczyc?. Tak tez robilem ? caly dzien mialem kaca i sie uczylem. Odwolalem jedno wyjscie wieczorem ze wzgledow naukowych. Na szczescie Koreanska strona spotkania takze doszla do wniosku ze lepiej zostac w domu i odlezec jeszcze troche impreze :P Uczylem sie... Koreanskiego i Analizy Inwestycji ? we wtorek mial byc test.
W poniedzialek nie mialem juz kaca, ale uczylem sie. 14 godzin w labie (no moze z wyjatkiem 2 wyjsc na posilki i jeden w labie). Jam dobry student. W efekcie wyszlo ze jam bardzo dobry student ? dostalem A+. Brakowalo tylko uscisku dloni prezesa :)
Sunday?s quote was ?Holy shi... my hangover is killing me and I have to study?. This is what I did then ? I was hungover all day and was trying to study. I called one meeting off due to scientific reasons. I was lucky that the other side was also willing to stay home and die a bit from last evening?s party. I was studying Korean and Investment Analysis ? test on Tuesday.
I was studying all Monday long. 14 hours at the lab (well excluding meals I guess). I?m a good student. Actually it turned out that I am a very good student. A+ :)))))