niedziela, października 21, 2007

Enjoy Taiwan

As you can see on Andy's blog I also did a lot of relaxing in Taipei. That was mainly due to the fact that I had little time to rest after my internship was over. I had a great time sleeping :)

But I have to say - Taipei would have never been like that without Sandy as well. I met up with Sandy one afternoon, we went shopping and got our hair done together with her mom, ate at the hairdresser and went for the party. Not any party.

First off a lounge bar near Taipei 101 with 2 very beautiful girls at my side.

After that, clubbing in one of the biggest clubs in the commercial district area.

Karaoke with some very rich Chinese-Americans/Canadians who got me very drunk - or...I got myself very drunk because I can't play that damn drinking gameeee!

Puking in Andy's bathroom and sleeping with 2 kiwis.

And a marvelous hangover all weekend long.