I?ve been spending the last 2 weeks in N�rnberg where I went for 2 reasons ? first to see Lorraine and change the ?when we?re both 40 principle? to ?once every six years? :P and second to do some shopping before my trip to Korea, which seems to not be happening as of now.
Spending time in NBG made me realize a couple of things:
1. I wouldn?t mind having 150 sq m appartment for 99.000 EUR here in NBG
2. I wouldn?t mind knowing more people here
3. I wouldn?t mind if it weren?t NBG but e.g. Berlin :)

I have been having lots of fun over the past time ? going out, doing the Gerglish vocab thing, ?spendin? all my money on me? and stuff like that :)
Went to a gym today ? ohmygoodnessgracious that place rocked ... was hellishly expensive though ? 3 single day entries cost as much as a whole month subscription in Warsaw ? INSANE I tell you.
Now I am dead tired. Maybe Berlin tomorow ? Shall we see? Let?s shall!